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English Language Placement Testing

WashU schools offer placement testing to determine whether their new international students would benefit from English language support.

English Language Support for Academic and Professional Communication

Courses to help you enhance your English language skills for academic and professional communication are offered throughout the university.

English Placement Test Score Descriptions Through SP2019

The results of all English proficiency exams administered by the ELP are posted to the “Scores” section of a student’s internal record in SIS/WebSTAC.

English Proficiency Certification for Visa Purposes

This information is intended to assist admitting departments with questions surrounding certification of English proficiency.

Environmental Justice Self-Study Guide

Educational self-study guide of videos, publications, WashU courses and additional resources to enhance inclusive communities and conversations.

Equity in St. Louis Self-Study Guide

Educational self-study guide of videos, publications, WashU courses and additional resources to enhance inclusive communities and conversations.

Evaluate Your Options for Sexual Violence Support

We are here to help you. At WashU there are a number of ways you can receive help and support if you have experience relationship or sexual violence.

Evening Exam Schedule

Various large courses across the University hold exams during in the evenings. For a comprehensive list of evening exams see the links below

Event Builder

Plan and market your event more easily than ever before by using the Event Builder through WUGO.

Events Accommodations Fund

Student organizations in need of support to defray accommodations expenses for events speakers and attendees with disabilities may apply for funding.

Events and Programs

Our programs are designed to bridge cultural gaps, celebrate diversity, and empower students to become global citizens.

Events with Alcohol-Trainings

See what sessions are required for student groups who plan to host an event with alcohol.

Everyday Living

Get tips about banking, restaurants and other parts of daily life in the St. Louis area.

Everyone’s Welcome Campaign

The Everyone’s Welcome Campaign is a fund created by students to incentivize collaboration between student groups.

Excellence in Leadership Award Winners

See Excellence in Leadership Award winners from past years, back to 1998.

Excellence in Leadership Awards

The Excellence in Leadership Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of WashU students and their co-curricular experience.