Student Financial Services

Get information about Student Financial Services, including financial assistance, payment options and student employment.

Everyone’s Welcome Campaign

Everyone's Welcome Campaign

The Everyone’s Welcome Campaign is a fund created by students to incentivize collaboration between student groups.

Events Accommodations Fund

magnifying glass with money icon

Student organizations in need of support to defray accommodations expenses for events speakers and attendees with disabilities may apply for funding.

Annika Rodriguez Scholars Program

Rodriguez Scholars Anniversary

Recognizes students who demonstrate academic and leadership achievements, service to the community and a commitment to bringing diverse groups together.

John B. Ervin Scholars Program

Ervin Scholars

Recognizes students who exemplify academic excellence, leadership, community service and a commitment to diversity.

Danforth Scholars Program

Danforth Scholars Group Photo

Recognizes students who demonstrate leadership in service, intellectual and creative acuity, a commitment to diversity and kindness.