Reproductive Health – Students

Habif continues to provide reproductive services, which includes all forms of contraceptive counseling including IUD placement. Due to the University’s very close proximity to Illinois, where abortion access remains protected, students interested in abortion services will still have access. There are two clinics within a 30-minute drive from WashU.

Services offered: Preventative and problem-focused care for people with a cervix, uterus, ovaries, and/or breasts. It is recommended that people begin receiving a wellness exam when they turn 21, and that all sexually active people receive sexually transmitted infection screens.

Your “wellness” exam includes a pelvic exam, a pap smear, and a breast exam (to check for breast cancer), a medical, sexual and family history, and a basic physical.

If you plan to become pregnant soon, have a history of sexual health problems, or family history of breast cancer, you may need to schedule your exams more frequently than once a year. If you experience bleeding outside of your normal menstrual period or detect a lump or other unusual change in your breast, please schedule an exam immediately.

Your health appointment

These services are available by appointment Monday through Friday.

Please prepare for your exam by bringing a list of all medications you are currently taking and a list of any food or drug allergies. Arrive at least 10 minutes early; failure to do so may delay your appointment time. Sign in at the self check-in station or with front desk personnel.

Do not schedule your wellness exam during your period. If your period starts 48 hours prior to your appointment, please call to reschedule.

Health Services for people with a cervix, uterus, ovaries, and/or breasts

Habif Health and Wellness Center provides the following health services:

The Habif Health and Wellness Center also offers free home pregnancy tests, condoms, dental dams and lube. Ask a nurse or pick up a voucher for a free pregnancy test from the restroom in the Wellness Center waiting area.

Health Tips

  • If you are sexually active, we recommend regular sexually transmitted infection screening.
  • If you are over the age of 21, we recommend wellness exams, including pap tests.
  • If you are over the age of 40, we recommend annual mammograms.
  • People ages 9-45 should have the HPV vaccine.

Questions about contraception? Check out Bedsider.