Miriam Levitin

Miriam Levitin is an MSW student at the Brown School who is interested in being a sexuality educator. She said “a lack of understanding and awareness about our sexual health and wellness sparked my passion for sexual health education as social justice.” This led her to the Brown School “the only MSW program where I could concentrate my degree in sexual health education.”

In a neat dovetail, Miriam is serving as the Sexual Health Promotion Coordinator, a practicum position at the Habif Health and Wellness Center. According to Melissa Ruwitch, Habif’s Assistant Director for Health Promotion and Wellness, Miriam has done “exceptional work on sexual health communications and online programming with our Peer Health Educators.” Melissa added that Miriam was instrumental in launching the new and improved BareMail program at Habif which provides free safer sex supplies and sexual health information to students via Campus Mail and US Mail.

Miriam says her favorite thing about the Habif position is “engaging with amazing WashU students and utilizing creative methods to increase their access to sexual health information and resources.” When she’s not in class or at practicum, Miriam likes to sing and write music, go on walks, and play games with friends. The thread weaving through Miriam’s work and success is a creative bent and a focus on improving sexual self-efficacy, which should serve her well as she moves toward her ultimate goal of creating a “one-stop shop for all things sexual health.”