Requesting Documentation for Academic Accommodations

Students needing ongoing accommodations (assistance with note taking, additional time for exams, separate exam rooms) should start this process at the Disability Resource Center​.​​

There may be situations in which Habif clinicians deem it appropriate to support accommodations for students under their care. Habif’s role is a clinical one. While Habif clinicians may be able to verify that there are psychological problems that may have interfered with functioning and support a petition for accommodations, the decision of what, if any, academic accommodations will be granted, is made by the Disability Resource Center working in conjunction with the individual school.

Habif clinicians provide documentation supporting accommodations only within the context of a treatment relationship. It can take several sessions before a clinician can assess whether a given accommodation is a necessary clinical intervention.​

Documentation Guidelines

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and university policy, students must submit appropriate documentation to the Disability Resources (DR) office in a timely manner before they qualify for accommodations. Documentation, prepared by a qualified evaluator, must at minimum substantiate the student’s disabling condition and verify the student’s current need for accommodations in order to have equal access to learning or housing environments or activities.

Please see documentation guidelines.

Documentation of a student’s disability is not part of the student’s academic record. All information related to a disability is treated as confidential and may be disclosed only with the student’s written consent or to those with a genuine “need to know,” consistent with the university’s policy and federal laws.