E-Cigarettes and Vaping

Electronic Cigarettes (e-cigs) are relatively new and have been advertised by tobacco companies as a safer alternatives to traditional tobacco cigarettes. They are battery powered which allows it to heat a liquid nicotine into a vapor that is inhaled. The liquid is often flavored making it more appealing to the user.

Risks factors are still being researched, but preliminary data shows there is a health risk to users. Beginning in 2019, there was an outbreak of severe lung injury associated with the use of e-cigarettes, or vaping, products. The outbreak was linked to several factors including vaping THC, a Vitamin E acetate, third-party products, and more. To learn the latest, visit CDC.

Health Risks:

  • Nicotine is very addictive.
  • Nicotine can be toxic in its liquid form and poisoning can occur when it is ingested or absorbed through the eyes or skin.
  • Some common side effects of e-cigarettes are vomiting, nausea and eye irritation.
  • A disease known as “popcorn lung” is linked to a chemical called diacetyl, which has been found in nearly 100% of e-cigarette flavorings. The condition causes scarring in lung air sacs that leads to excessive coughing and shortness of breath.
  • Lithium batteries power e-cigarettes, and if the battery is not properly charged, it can overheat and explode causing severe injuries to the user.
  • E-cigarettes are not emission-free and their pollutants can be a health concern for users and people who are exposed to secondhand vapor.


A JUUL is a brand of e-cigs that have become popular recently. A JUUL looks like a computer flash drive and can be charged via a USB slot. They are similar to earlier forms of e-cigs, however, they contain more than twice the amount of nicotine than other e-cig products making them highly addictive.

JUULing, along with other e-cigs, raise the risk of using traditional tobacco cigarettes in the future.

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