Khalia Benson

Assistant Director, Career Development

Khalia Benson is an accomplished Career Coach with a wealth of experience spanning over a decade. Her approach is deeply rooted in understanding her clients’ individuality, guiding them towards career choices that resonate with their core values and aspirations. Armed with a Master’s in Counseling from UMSL and certification as a National Certified Counselor with PCC level coaching expertise, Khalia is well-equipped to provide transformative career advice.

Her philosophy revolves around the belief that true career success encompasses not only stability but also passion and fulfillment. Khalia’s services encompass a wide array of support, ranging from career planning and goal definition to personalized assessments, resume crafting, interview preparation, and strategic networking.

At the heart of Khalia’s practice is Maya Angelou’s poignant quote: “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it.” This encapsulates her belief that genuine success in one’s career journey is intricately tied to self-awareness, alignment with personal values, and a sense of fulfillment in one’s professional endeavors.