Brittney Meredith

SMP Career Coach

Brittney Meredith is a Career Coach with SMP students at the Olin Business school, and is a graduate of Washington University’s School of Social Work, the Brown School. Receiving her Master’s in Social Work, she has worked with many diverse populations ranging all ages, and received training in behavioral therapy. This behavioral therapy work is the foundation for her career coaching at Olin, specializing in techniques of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy that help students identify their values and strengths and what steps they will need to take to reach their goals. Having lived and worked abroad, she is no stranger to both the joys and challenges of reaching your potential in a new country – these experiences help her serve her international SMP student population at Olin. Whether you are navigating a new culture, career, or field of study, Brittney is here to help you take the next step on your journey.